Monday 26 April 2010

Lgaugnae is iprtonmat

こんにちは! 你好嗎! 點呀!你好無! 안녕! नमस्ते!Apa khabar?!Sawaddi! Kumusta?!
Salut! Ciao! Hola! γεια σου! Hallo! Hej!

...Hello!>> A word with one fundamental meaning, a thousand and one ways to express it!

Ok, you've guessed it already. I am a bit crazy about languages! Ever since I was young I have been intrigued by the way millions of people around the world speak in such diverse ways. If you stop and think about it, don't you think it is really amazing?!

I find it so fascinating how each of us have been made with the ability to learn any language imaginable but ultimately, where in the world we live, who we live with and what those people around us speak determine which language/languages we will be using for the rest of our lives!
All the round the world people are using, living, breathing their own languages; language is very much alive, whether it be to give a speech to a nation, to chat online with a friend, to listen to a sermon, to order food in a restaurant, to watch a movie, to read the latest news, to negotiate a deal, to write an essay, or even to read this very blog, everyday people of all nations do these things using their own intrinsic linguistic system, perfectly normal and comprehensible to some, but totally baffling and puzzling to others.
We speak 'it', we listen to 'it', we read 'it', we write 'it', we think in 'it', 'it'(or 'them' of course!) is something none of us can escape from using as we live each day of our life and that 'it' or 'them' is different for all of us; Mandarin, English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Swahili, Sign language, braille..

Without it, there would be much chaos and misunderstanding. No literature, no movies, no songs (with lyrics!), no words of wisdom, no words of hatred, no agreements, no disagreements..just think about how it would change your world if you lost one of the most precious tools you have in your life; The ability to communicate. Just think next time you are in a country where your native language is not spoken or you are in a situation where you are with people who don't speak your language and how hard it is to communicate and then think what it would be like not even having any comprehension of your native language.

 It might look and sound a little like this:

fvd665fwwe w3qo dweqw 2431jo54 22j 3ffg. Get it?

Isn't it one of God's clever ideas?! If it hadn't been for man's selfishness and self importance, might we still be speaking a 'universal' language like in the pre-Tower of Babel years?
However, now we have a rich linguistic legacy in the hundreds of languages across the world to pass on to the next generation by means of communication, ever changing, ever growing, language will always be a part of our lives.

These are just some thoughts on my mind lately. There is still so much I could write about concerning this subject but will stop here for today. Would love to hear your thoughts too if you have any!

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